Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Follow me on Twitter

It's a realization borne out of laziness, also out of technology. My blogging frequency has a large dependence on length of content, as a result, has dipped considerably due to lack of too many big things to say. However, I had a lot of small things to say. Distinction I make on big and small can be distilled down to number of characters. TWITTER makes it much easier to record the thoughts, state of mind if someone out there is bothered to know what my state of mind is, tweet on some cool things to know etc. Not to say that I wont blog again. Brevity of content, or the lack of it determines where I write them. For now, please follow me on Twitter.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Commitment to a cause

Most times its easy to start an initiative, however novel it is or trivial it is. Its the commitment that differentiates winners from losers. I started this blog with a commitment that I will at least have one entry per week. I didn't manage to keep that up. Well, this entry is not about me.

Its about someone I know who I feel is one of the best creative minds there is to be. You would have seen nothing like it before. Its so simple that you would think why didn't I think of it. But I guess that's the draw to this idea. And his commitment to keep up to the idea is adorable. He does this every day. Quality doesn't suffer as well. Incredible. I am not going to reveal what it is. You will have it to see for yourself.

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Quote of the week....

'I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice' - Abraham Lincoln
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