Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It is resolution time. Is it?

It is that time of the year. There will be no shortage of resolutions.

Why would someone need to make a resolution? Is it because others do or being forced to conform or someone is asking us to do so?

I remember during school days, when we come back from your new year holidays, all of us were asked to stand in line to talk about 'one thing' that we would change or do better during the new year. Never was comfortable talking about things that are very personal in front of others, let alone talk about resolutions.

Mostly, 'resolutions' that I have read or heard about are changing from bad to good. Like dropping vices rolling into the new year, Reducing anger, contribute more to the society, going to the gym to stay healthy. Changing things that are percieved to be bad in someone else's perspective.

Shouldn't we all constantly look at ourselves and do things that we believe? I have never made resolutions and never will. Its my belief that when you love what you do and the love is translted to happiness for people around you, you never have to make any resolutions.

Resolutions is about change and change doesn't need a calendar to remind you. What ever you do, if you stay true to your conscience, then you are being a good person. There's no need for once a year resolution.

When a beautiful flower can bloom between bricks, who says we need to conform!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Do you believe in Signs?

Even before 'languages' and 'scripts' came into existence, 'signs' did.
It comes in different forms and means.
Scientists, psyhcologists. even the economists believe in Signs.
Nature of it may differ but the philosophy of it is all the same.

Constellation is a sign for some people.
Birds flying in a specific direction will mean something to meteorologists.
Planets lined up in a pattern will mean something to astronauts.
Ripples in the water will mean something.
A child crying will mean something to its mother.
Sound of siren will mean something bad.
Smell of sand will mean its going to rain.

There are times when 'signs' can defy logic and purely based on emotional dependence.
Three red cars in a row will mean a great day.
If you spot two crows together will mean a guest coming home.
Itch on your inner palm of the right hand will mean more money when its a natural itch.

Friday, December 19, 2008


You can chose not to accept, but every one's life is filled with contradictions. The difference is how you chose to manage them. The standards to which you expect people to behave to you and the standards that you apply to yourself when you are with others will always have a sense of difference. You will be judged by the apparentness of the self differences. Nature has its share of contradictions - at one side you have tsunami taking its share of people and on the other side draught taking its share of people. Why does nature not distribute water evenly? That's just the way it is.

You can chose to say a story in 300 pages or make the same impact with 300 words. I have got a fascination of 'postcard stories' - stories written to fit the size of a postcard. I am going to attempt writing some postcard stories in this blog with 'contradictions' as its central element. Professions, Situations, Individuals - wherever I feel there is a sense of difference between what you do and what you actually wanted to.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Poor handwriting. Thanks to technology.

Technology has had significant impact in different aspects of our life. Communciation is probably the biggest benefactor of it. I see it a little differently. In today's life, almost all of it is done using a little more than 14" console at best. People harldy write these days. Letters, notes, messages in the past were written in hand and one could tell the emotions and intent when reading the note. It was lot more personal.

I always felt 'handwriting' is a guide to one's heart. It turns out the way your state of mind is - if you are angry,you write one way and if you are sad, you write one way and if you are happy you write one way. With internet, email and mobile, its difficult to judge the emotions and its very impersonal. Even signatures are not required these days since they are computer generated.

It didn't spare me too. When in school and college, a lot of people attributed a little part of my grades to my handwriting as well. That's how good it used to be. Now its listless, sometimes I find it difficult to read what I had written before. I am making an effort to write in paper more often just so that I dont forget to write completely.
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'I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice' - Abraham Lincoln
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